Blog Post

11 Prominent Male Narcissist Traits to Watch For

11 Prominent Male Narcissist Traits to Watch For

Relationship coach Dhriti Bhavsar delves into 11 revealing characteristics of male narcissism, offering insights to safeguard your emotional well-being.
21 Stages Of A Narcissistic Relationship With An Empath

21 Stages Of A Narcissistic Relationship With An Empath

A narcissist and an empath are drawn to each other like magnets. That's because a narcissist's over-confident and dominant personality
Is Indifference Or Disrespect Equivalent To Cheating On Spouse?

Is Indifference Or Disrespect Equivalent To Cheating On Spouse?

Can indifference or disrespect be considered equivalent to cheating on spouse? Find out how emotional detachment ruins a relationship.
Why Does My Girlfriend Hit Me? Expert Shares 11 Possible Reasons And Ways To Cope

Why Does My Girlfriend Hit Me? Expert Shares 11 Possible

Why does my girlfriend hit me, you wonder? Relationship expert shares possible reasons and offers coping strategies
The Pitfalls Of Nice Guy Syndrome: How It Affects Relationships

The Pitfalls Of Nice Guy Syndrome: How It Affects Relationships

What does psychology say about nice guys? The nice guy syndrome is the tendency of a guy to be extra-kind
How To Show Respect In A Relationship — 9 Ways

How To Show Respect In A Relationship — 9 Ways

Respect in a relationship – of the romantic kind – implies the equality of both partners. If you do not
11 Ways To Deal With A Sexually Demanding Husband

11 Ways To Deal With A Sexually Demanding Husband

Different factors may be driving your husband's high sex drive. Find out why does he want sex all the time
Why Are You Obsessed With Someone You Barely Know — 10 Possible Reasons

Why Are You Obsessed With Someone You Barely Know —

You’ve just met someone at work or in college or some event and instantly been attracted to them. You may
Identifying the 13 Warning Signs of a Controlling Relationship

Identifying the 13 Warning Signs of a Controlling Relationship

There is a stark difference between a caring and controlling partner, which many of us are not aware of. To
10 Reasons Why Relationships Become Toxic

10 Reasons Why Relationships Become Toxic

Relationships form the bedrock of our social lives, providing us with companionship, support, and love. However, not all relationships are