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how to text your crush without being boring

The 11 top do and don’ts of keeping your crush hooked

Nowadays texting is a big part of the dating ritual. This is especially true if you use dating apps, you simply have to text. If you are texting someone you like, you want to keep those texts flowing and you want to be interesting and funny. Thus arise the modern-day all-consuming question about how to text your crush without being boring.

I’m here to help, let’s mesmerize our crushes with our enigmatic fun-loving personalities.

1. There is no such thing as being boring

The first step to becoming a more fun texter is to become a bit more confident. To be able to be fun and interesting over text, you have to take risks and those risks will not always pay off.

Some people nowadays put too much weight on texting.

So, I want to start this article by saying that no single text will decide the course of the budding relationship with your crush.

What we feel when we receive a text has a lot to do whit how we feel about the person. Thus a “boring” text from the right person can brighten our whole day.

Be confident

People also don’t find the same things funny or entertaining, one person’s boring is another person’s version of heaven.

But you do have to text with a certain amount of coolness if you want to come across as interesting. Don’t be too attached to the outcome.  

Having this little disclaimer out of the way, let’s look for some ways how to text your crush without being boring.

Texting is about showing your true quirky personality without being afraid of rejection.

2. Have an interesting life

The second most important point when you ask how to text your crush without being boring is to have a fun and stimulating life that you are passionate about.

There is no way around this simple point, you cannot easily fake being an interesting person. It’s much easier to just be an interesting person. If you are, this will naturally come across when you text. Don’t be afraid to show your crush what it is that makes you unique compared to other people.

Bring passion to your life

Your exact interests and passions don’t matter, it’s all about how excited you are about the different parts of your life.

When you want to be a mysterious interesting person another pro tip is to have opposite sides included in your life. For example, be both deep and funny.

Embraces the different sides of your personality in your life as well as when you text. Ask your crush a deep question one day and send them a funny video the next. It’s your ability to mix things up that makes your texts entertaining.

Text when you feel your best

The best time to text is when you are doing something interesting or when you had an interesting insight. Tell your crush about your experience or your idea and why this makes you excited.

For example, text when you are about to have your first skateboard lesson, or just when you have come back from a comedy show, or when you have finished reading a great book.

3. Keep it casual

Texting should foremost be a tool you use for practical reasons. As a general rule only text if you have a clear goal in mind.

The goal can be to get to know the other person better, that’s still a goal and it should give your texts enough focus.

For example; I was just wondering how you feel about horror movies?

Or; Do you have any strange things you strongly dislike?

Or, What was a big thing about your childhood that impacts how you are today?

Take a moment to think about the things you do want to find out about him, formulate a couple of questions and send one of them and see how it goes.

A guy who likes you will like your texts

For most guys, in most situations, less is more when it comes to text. Fewer text messages create more mystery.

Although I have to say that the big exception to this is when a guy is totally smitten by a girl, that can turn any guy into a texting maverick.

Don’t keep updating your crush about your day-to-day life. But do throw out a couple of interesting questions to deepen the relationship.

4. Ask interesting questions

This brings me to my next point. A text conversation can only be as interesting as the questions you ask. This is absolutely crucial when you ask how to text your crush without being boring

You might already be an interesting person (I’m sure you are) but a simple “How are you?” for the 5th time, will not create fireworks. Neither will “How was your day?”

(Those text messages are sweet if you already are in a relationship.)

When you want to make your crush fall hard, you have to be more creative and more unpredictable. Sometimes you ask questions, other times you can share something interesting with your crush.

Check out our article Is it good to be mysterious in a relationship for some more ideas on how to bring the right kind of drama.

Examples of interesting questions

What book or movie changed your life the most?

Or, what was the best decision you ever made?

Also try; What is your favorite childhood memory?

What has been inspiring you a lot lately?

Open-ended questions

Make sure that it’s not possible to answer your questions with a yes or no.

You asking interesting questions should be around 30 percent of the text messages. Ideally, those questions should lead to fun, bantering discussions where the two of you actually get to know each other better.

When you ask deep interesting questions you also show your desire to want to get to know him better. You want to get to know the real him.

5. Do show your interest

If you like the guy and are excited about him, there is nothing wrong with letting him know how you feel. (If that scares him off, he is simply not the right guy.)

Those kinds of text messages can create a lot of attraction and anticipation. Life is supposed to be fun and you are down for the ride.

As a general rule, people like the people who like them. Your text messages should be 20 percent reinforcing that you are excited about him being in your life.

Examples to get your creative juices flowing

Really looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

I’m excited about our big movie-marathon date.

Can’t wait to try some wine together with you.

I really enjoyed the other night. (You can be specific about exactly what you enjoyed.)

Talking to you always makes me smile.

Your texts are the funniest.

This made me think about you. (This is a great starting point for an interesting text conversation. Anything can make you think about him. Do share. It can be a song or a poem or a book. He will be interested to know why it made you think about him.)

The thing I like about you is that… (Yes, tell him what it is you like about him.)

I like getting to know you, it’s a lot of fun.

I always have so much fun when I spend time with you, I don’t know how you do it

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