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make sure your friends are okay

7 important steps to show how much you care

Do you have a friend who seems depressed? Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to act. Especially if this person keeps pushing you away. Don’t give up, it’s important to make sure your friends are ok.

1. Ask them how they are

How are you feeling?

Four simple words, but they have the ability to show your friend that you are thinking about her.

You have probably already asked her a lot of times.

I know how difficult it can be when your friend shut you out.

But just keep asking. One day she will be ready to give you the real answer.

2. Check in often

She might not reply to texts or pick up the phone. I know that this behavior can be very discouraging. But don’t hold it against her, keep reaching out.

She is fighting her demons.

When you want to make sure your friends are ok, always send that extra message. Call her even if she usually doesn’t pick up.

She will know that you are there for her. She will know that you haven’t forgotten about her.

3. Keep on inviting them to activities

When you have friends who are not feeling well, they often withdraw from social events. Often, we just stop inviting them, since they always say no anyway.

But to help your friends, it’s important that you keep on including them.

Let them know that whenever they chose to come out of their shell, they have friends waiting for them.

4. Give them the opportunity to talk

Start out by empathizing with your friend, tell her that she doesn’t have to say anything. But also make sure she knows that if she ever needs someone to listen to her, you will be that person.

Tell her that you are always available for hearing her story.

This is a pressure-free way to show support for all your friends who are going through a hard time. Offer them the space to talk.

If they take you up on the offer, even better. All you have to do is listen. Having a conversation is healing in itself.

5. Don’t take it personally

When you have a friend who rejects your concern, I know it might feel like you are not good enough.

You might feel helpless or even frustrated, but your friend most likely just wants to protect you. She doesn’t want to let her mood affect your life.

When someone is depressed, they don’t see clearly. They just want to hide.

keep you calm

You can make sure your friends are ok by being nice and sweet.

Don’t feel resentful for her absence, she is doing her best.  

If you often feel irritated with your friend (or friends) I recommend my article Why do I feel frustrated with my friend?

6. Tell them what they mean to you

When you have a friend who is depressed, they often feel worthless, so go ahead and tell them about all their good qualities. Tell them the positive impact they have had on your life.

Make them feel good about themselves by telling them why you think they are an amazing human being.

7. Ask them what would make them feel better

Or you can ask them what they need.

Both of these questions are good because they are open and non-judgmental. You also give your friend the opportunity to think about what would make her feel better.

Not to mention, planting the idea that she will indeed feel better one day.

Having a person reflect on her needs is always a good thing.

If you, or your friend, need some inspirational words, check out my article Reassuring Words For The Future – How To Look Ahead and Become Inspired Again.

A finale note

The fact that you ask how to make sure your friends are ok tells me you are a very sweet and caring person. Your friends should be happy to have you in their lives.

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