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Summer travel capsule wardrobe

4 summer dresses – 4 different styles – 4 practical capsule wardrobes

Summer is upon us and it is time to go on a much-longed-for summer holiday trip. Whether you are exploring a new city or hitting the beach, these 4 different capsule wardrobes will have you looking stylish. They are, each in their own way, a slice of summer travel capsule wardrobe perfection.

Pick one dress as inspiration

I created these 4 different capsule wardrobes by taking inspiration from 4 different dresses.

This is a fun and easy way to build a capsule wardrobe for a specific trip. Just choose the dress you absolutely want to bring, and let the rest of your packing evolve.

For more fun ideas and inspiration when it comes to building capsule wardrobes, read my article Capsule wardrobe for travel to Europe.

3 points to consider when you are building a summer travel capsule wardrobe

  • Choose a color palette consisting of 2, 3, or 4 colors. Note that the nuances of the color don’t have to be the same. The important thing is that almost all tops can be worn together with all of the different bottoms. This way you maximize the number of different outfits you can create.
  • Choose how many items of clothes you want to include. In these 4 examples, I decide on 10 items of clothing.
  • Consider the temperatures of the place you are going to visit. Decide if you need a jacket, long pants, or a warm sweater.

4 different dresses – 4 different styles

Summer travel capsule wardrobe number 1

Color palette: Red. Purple. Denim. Light blue.

This woman likes her wardrobe with a healthy dose of color. Purple and red makes her stand out from the crowd.

I would say that, item-wise, this is a pretty perfect capsule wardrobe.

You have skirts in 3 different lengths, you have a jacket, and you have a pair of lightweight pants. The shirt is neutral enough to be worn over both tops.

Easy to dress up

When you want to dress up you have plenty of options.

Below I show 6 of my favorite outfits, but you could create the double amount of outfits and have more than enough for a week of traveling.

Summer travel capsule wardrobe number 2

Color palette: Light beige. Cream. Different shades of pink.

This woman likes to be both comfortable and sexy. The college sweater is good for long bus rides. A pair of casual shorts are nice for hanging out on the beach. The dress is, of course, a killer for date night.

The important thing is that the jacket can be worn with everything else in the wardrobe, including the dress. Choose a neutral jacket to achieve this.

Make sure your capsule wardrobe is fun

This capsule wardrobe also feels very trendy thanks to the color choices. Also, note that 3 colorful items of clothes go a long way.

Many people create a travel capsule wardrobe that is just a little bit too boring. If you follow my principles there is no need to pack your most basic clothes.

Summer travel capsule wardrobe number 3

Color palette: Black. Orange. Green.

This woman loves her midi skirts, if you have an outfit formula that works for you, don’t be afraid to embrace it. You will feel comfortable and that’s really what creating a summer travel capsule wardrobe is all about. It should be you and your style.

Keep it casual and comfortable

A romper and a pair of denim shorts help keep this wardrobe casual. Are you interested in more casual summer outfits, read my article The best cute and casual summer outfits.

Color and capsule wardrobes

Packing colors is difficult because the colors might not work together. You can see that the orange skirt and orange top feature two very different shades of orange, so they might not be worn together.

But don’t let this obstacle stop you from bringing your favorite color, just try the different outfits in the comfort of your own home to figure out what works.

Summer travel capsule wardrobe number 4

Color palette: Navy. White. Grey.

This is such a classic summer capsule wardrobe. You can tell that this woman knows how to look stylish and put together in all sorts of situations.

A classy lady

When it comes to creating a chic capsule wardrobe, it all starts with the color palette. If you want more classic looks, read my article How to create a classic summer capsule wardrobe

This capsule wardrobe is also a bit romantic, which always looks great for a summer trip.

A final note on creating a Summer travel capsule wardrobe

When you take a moment an plan what to pack, you can create many different outfits from just a handful of clothes.

You should also make sure that your accessories match your chosen clothes. As you can see in these examples, the right accessories brings the outfits together.

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